How important it is: The prevention of "Osteoporosis"

Osteoporosis is a common condition that usually affects people in middle age.It is important to know that evolution of "Osteoporosis" is a very long and time consuming process

.Osteoporosis is a common condition that usually affects people in middle age.It is important to know that evolution of "Osteoporosis" is a very long and time consuming process .  Changes leading to it starts from a very young age , slowly progressing over time and leading to "weak bones" at middle age.Having an overall information about "osteoporosis" ,the whole process leading to and the ways of prevention and treatment are all useful  and even necessary facts which can help improving health concepts and general wellbeing in our society

 Osteoporosis is so-called a "silent disease" and that's because this condition worsens over time without causing sensible complains or physical symptoms, leading to a condition which bones become weak and brittle and a minor trauma which is never anticipated to cause a problem can end with a serious bone fracture

.Osteoporosis affects all the body's skeletal system. But fractures caused by osteoporosis happen most frequently in the hip, spine and wrist

Read 263 times Last modified on Monday, 23 January 2017 23:19

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